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Wendy, It's Short for Wensday @SignHerePlease

Age 30, She/Her


CTRL.Z University.

Discord 24/7

Joined on 2/8/12

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SignHerePlease's News

Posted by SignHerePlease - March 7th, 2016

Gunna try this again, using picarto cuz I'm poor. Link to my page is

Hop on in! NSFW WARNING.


Posted by SignHerePlease - August 6th, 2015

-Do you Role Play?
  Not often, feels odd to me. I'd give it a try but it all feels so weird even when I know my OC's. Although I have been known to let people RP with the OC in question with the actual person I based them off of. I mean who better to do it?
-What you did to improve your drawing skills?
   Long story. An artist named Octamoose, VSRI or several other names who gave up on public art recently had me do a few painful exersizes. Besides that two things: I recently started using references and whenever I see an awesome artist I try to impliment whatever I don't  do into my artwork. Basicaly what the old Masters used to do when they would have apprentices repaint their artwork as a complete match. Teaches you what they did to overcome challenges. Even if you fail.

-Does your OCs have any story behind them?
  Yes they all do and I'm slowly redrawing them all and posting their history with each painting. So far only Razeal and Shatter have theirs up. Maybe Endreah too. An older less up to date set of bios are in a journal here http://signhereplease.deviantart.com/journal/Original-Character-Information-INCOMPLETE-330692260

 -Where you got inspiration to make your OCs?
   Razeal- Me, Shatter- No idea, Endreah-No idea, Kirin-:iconnefepants:, Koinu-:iconlevirya:, Jack- Creepy Pastas, Aziza- No idea, Rakakku- JSRF, Hideki- no damn clue, 
-Who is your best OC?
    How do I even measure that? If I go by popularity and views and most features then Razeal wins.

-I guess this is a two part question. what's your process from start to finish on piece of art, and how long does it typically take you to do one piece on average ?
     Shapes, sketch, another sketch, Lines MAYBE, flats, darken my flats, shades, slight highlights, merge as much as i can and make corrections before painting over it all, light adjustments, cool effects get painted in, maybe a BG, color correct on PS, then pain over with sexy or censored versions I probably drew back in the lineart stage. And if I'm vigilant a day or two is how long it should take. But I get bored easily and it ends up taken weeks to months. I'm terrible.

-What gave you the idea to do a female Ulqiorra (Bleach) and is there a chance we will see more 
  At a point I was just drawing fanart and I always loved the black and white Bastard, who wouldn't draw a female version if they could? Grey skin is FUN.

-What is your own personal favorite piece you have ever done? 
   Usually it is the last painting I actively finished, but not for long as I rarely look back at my own artwork as much as I should. So today It's a tie between Jack in progress and the finished Jinx Hentai painting.

-least favorite piece?
    Anything from my old accounts and the beginning of this one back in 2013 or whatever.

-what do you think you need to improve on?
    Linearting, hand control, brush knowledge, palettes, dynamic posing, sketching, getting a clean look and PAINTING CUM. I suck so hard at that jesus. I rarely get it right and sexy looking.

-when will we see more Koinu?
     When I master painting small breasts. That shit ain't easy. A lot of artists fuck it up BAD and I don't want to be one of them anymore. But I have a few drawigs unfinished due to thsi so when I DO get it don't worry, she's in need of an update as well.

-can I have some cake?
  Get off my page, this is pie territory.

-do you play hearthstone?
-what color are your socks now?
   Green, as per military regulation, I'm in uniform typing this.

-Tits or Ass?

-Which OC do you love the most?
    All the above.

-Are you a boy or girl  [Pokemon X And Y Anime - Professor Oak by Animemissy123]  (What Gender do you identify as?)
 It is not yet time for you all to know that, as I like being unknown since it's more fun this way; I can have guy and girl friends and like tits, dicks or any combination of either without much backlash and people tend to eb able to identify with me easier since SHP is gender-less and the place whatever gender the "need" me to be and that works them and ultimately me. Unfortunately those who've been around this account long enough on deviantart know what I am and even what I look like if they paid attention when I slipped up heheheh.

-Any tips for someone trying to learn how to do better shading?
  Follow a realistic reference. Made you check where the shadows and lights become hard and soft and what their intensity is in certain places, don't make your own guesses. Keep in mind in the real world there is more than one light source.

-What do you use as references for the poses or do you have a model?
  I used to use random anime/hentai CG sets but that felt like cheating, currently I use stock references of screenshots of porn sometimes. I have had varying significant other pose for me if I can't already do the pose for myself which is fairly often.

- If you could have any of your OC's as a roommate(s) who would they be and which version(fem or futa)?
  Hmm... It's a Tie between Razeal, Jack and Aziza. Razeal would be the most fun especially as a futa, I wonder how good she'd be at painting and games. Jack would just be interesting to have around as she is after all a murderer (yandere be my weakness after all). Aziza would be cool cuz people would visit and there's this giant tank of water with a demonic mermaid in it glaring back at them. What more needs to be said?

- Would you ever consider including more weapons in your artwork?
 YES. I would love to draw guns some day, I just suck now. However impossibly designed swords? Oh yes, problem is I lack any originality in both design for said weapons and their posing. COME TO ME REFERENCES.

- What are your preferences when it comes to breasts, how do you like them? Assuming they are different from your artwork style.
   I don't have any preferences typically, No matter the size (as long as they are reasonable) things can be done but ultimately they really are just sacks of fat and nothing more, for ourselves or your partner you chest like any other part of your body can be a condiut for sensations of pleasure if you allow no matter the size or type. However certain areola do in fact bore me and fake tits make me frown.

- What are your thoughts on long red hair?
   I had a crush on a girl with bright red hair once... So yeah it's cool, prefer blue hair;knocks me out cold.

- How long is your hair and what color and style is it in?
   It actually used ot be in the same style as Razeal's minus the blue highlights, hence her design. though I always hated that I resembled Sasuke or Jin's hairstyle. Since joining the Army I've yet to have a chance to style it like that anymore. If you wanna know it currently just look up Approved Army hair cuts since for each gender there's like.... 2. And I'm not bald. I love my lucious hair, I get in trouble for it on a daily basis. Also it is black and to be fair I do change the style of it like every month especially when in civilian attire. When I get out the military I might show you guys <3

 Are you truly South Korean?
   Spent a lot of time there, but 아니..

 Which of your Characters do you prefer to draw? (and your favorite)
   I love drawing Razeal and her hair, Oh and Shatter's face 

 You promised some time ago that when your hair grew back you would show us a pic, still up for it? (you dont rly have to, its just plain curiosity to see if you look like Razeal xP )
    See above for answer.

When did you start to like futa
    Jesus, um I think I was like 10 years when I got into it. Then the rules of the internet applied in order. 

   I need more sex.


Posted by SignHerePlease - July 30th, 2015

 Based on the "dems" I'll be holding this Post open for an FAQ sort of deal, you can ask questions on My OC's, artwork, me, and whatever you deem questionable. I will definitely answer those requested more frequently but fear not I don't expect many questions so your own curiosity may very well be quelled.
You can leave a comment below or send me a note if you don't want anyone to know who asked the question in question. I'll make a second Post answering as many as I can which won't be too hard I imagine. A fair amount of you are new here so I don't expect many questions but by all mean ask as many as you want in your comment. You peeps asked for it and even voted for it so hit me with what ya got. I think it could be fun and most of all inspiring to my future Nentai. 
       And of course don't worry about topics, you're free to be as personal or fucked up as you want.

        And don't forget Sign below, please.



Posted by SignHerePlease - January 11th, 2015

So I Have one of these thingies now
Um.. As always my prices are ONE FUCKING DOLLAR
Also um. I made add like my SAI and Photoshop files and other private art for the members that pay I guess???


Posted by SignHerePlease - December 14th, 2014

Well Shatter's out, question now is which versions do you guys wanna see? SFW? PANTIES? FUTA?

Who knows. 

More to come in terms of other paintings soon mmkay boys? Stay in your seats with ur dicks in your hands for me. makes me all tingly inside making you all happy <3


Posted by SignHerePlease - August 25th, 2014

Been working  my ASS off making new stuff for you greedy fuckers.


Posted by SignHerePlease - July 18th, 2014

Been trying hard and there's alot to make, got about 30 files open in photoshop right now lmao.


Posted by SignHerePlease - May 11th, 2014

Yep I've gotten back into the groove and I've improved. Mainly doing fanarts like Highschool of the Dead, Blazblue, Kill la Kill, Bleach, Soul Calibur and Much more!

Stay tuned or just go look at some of the new stuff already up! Tentacles, yuri, pinups, futa I've got it all <33




Posted by SignHerePlease - March 3rd, 2014

Been posting Plenty of futanari art and some Pyrrha fanart, plenty to enjoy I hope. Worked so hard on all of these. 

If your aren't a futanari fan there's always a normal dick-less version laying around just.

Posted by SignHerePlease - February 13th, 2014

No SLim SHady jokes here, But yes my military training is over, for NOW. But hey I've a fuck ton of porn to submit amd finish so stayed tuned and loyal like I know you all have thus far and you shall have your pretty pictures!