Based on the "dems" I'll be holding this Post open for an FAQ sort of deal, you can ask questions on My OC's, artwork, me, and whatever you deem questionable. I will definitely answer those requested more frequently but fear not I don't expect many questions so your own curiosity may very well be quelled.
You can leave a comment below or send me a note if you don't want anyone to know who asked the question in question. I'll make a second Post answering as many as I can which won't be too hard I imagine. A fair amount of you are new here so I don't expect many questions but by all mean ask as many as you want in your comment. You peeps asked for it and even voted for it so hit me with what ya got. I think it could be fun and most of all inspiring to my future Nentai.
And of course don't worry about topics, you're free to be as personal or fucked up as you want.
And don't forget Sign below, please.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Kappa